No.86 Kinky Reversing Gear –Hornby Duke of Gloucester

Duke of Gloucester with Spring Buffers and kinky reversing gear

When I posted the picture above a number of you drew attention to the reversing mechanism disappearing rather abruptly beneath the footplate.  I just added it to the list of things to be sorted.

Duke of Gloucester – reversing gear in close up

Well it is sorted.

12 hours with nail varnish remover (acetone).
As I suspected the plastic reversing ‘rod’ is moulded with a pin to locate it into the support cast as part of the chassis.  It took about 12 hours to soften / break up the Hornby adhesive.  I used a small screw driver to add drips of acetone and I kept the ‘joint’ replenished all evening and then again next day.  After 12 hours I was able to lever the plastic away from the metal casting.  

The reversing rod felt a little bit like nylon and was not affected by the acetone.  I have to say I was at a loss to say exactly why the rod was kinked.  I decided that perhaps the hole in the casting was not at the correct angle.  I used a 0.5mm drill bit to clean the remaining glue out of the hole which I then enlarged until I was happy that the plastic rod would lie straight. 
A spot of Super Glue to fix the rod back in position, then when dry, screw the body and chassis back together.

Duke of Gloucester – perhaps as should have been made by Hornby first time round
What do I think of Duke of Gloucester?  Well it has certainly provided me with hours of entertainment.  What do I think of Hornby – I think they might have lost the plot.


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