No.122 Bringing Mk1 Bachmann Coaches closer – some thoughts on couplings

I like my rakes of Bachmann coaches especially when the coaches are brought closer together.

Close coupled Bachmann Mk1s hauled by Heljan Western King

For track layouts with Peco Medium radius points and above with 36 inch radius or greater curves, there are a number of options available for bringing the coaches closer together. Some appear more readily available than others.

My coaches have been bought over a number of years. As supplied by Bachmann they came fitted with what I believe are now referred to as 36-064 Long Cranked NEM couplings.

Bachmann Cranked NEM couplings 36-064(long) left 36-027(short) right

And from the side:
Bachmann Cranked NEM couplings 36-027(short) top 36-064(long) bottom

I standardised on Hornby R8220 (Roco) type couplings to go between coaches and Bachmann 36-027 Short Cranked NEM couplings for the ends of rakes to couple to the tension locks fitted to the locomotives.
Roco 40270 left, Hornby R8220 right

There are two points to note when using the R8220 couplings with Bachmann Mk1s. Firstly to prevent the couplings catching on the underside of the coach ends there is a need to pare away some of the plastic from the coupling as shown below.

Hornby R8220 – modified for use with Bachmann Mk1 coaches

Secondly it has to be realised that the couplings will not self couple (partly because of the springs incorporated in the Bachmann coupling mechanism). Not to worry, just bring adjacent coaches together to engage the couplings. Then gently lift the coach ends about ½ inch (1cm) off the track which is usually sufficient to lock the R8220 couplings together.

What are the benefits?

Bachmann Mk1s – straight out of the box with Long Cranked couplings

Closing the gap I think is a major visual improvement. Secondly I believe there is an improvement in running quality. The Hornby Roco type coupling is not a tension lock coupling. As a consequence the coaches are locked together as a single unit and I think this results in a smoother ‘ride’.

Bachmann Mk1s – close coupled with Hornby R8220 couplings

I have added a short video below featuring a pair of Dapol Class 22s and some chocolate and cream Mk1s to illustrate the differences. See what you think.

Now you might ask why not just use Bachmann 36-061 Short Cranked NEM couplings throughout the rake of coaches? 
Bachmann Mk1s with 36-027 Short Cranked NEM couplings

These couplings have been standard fitments for many years on a number of Bachmann wagons. Whilst the 36-027 couplings are shown in the latest catalogue I don’t recall seeing them for sale separately and mine are preowned.

The short cranked couplings when used between Bachmann Mk1 coaches do not self couple and the ends of the coaches still have to be raised as detailed above when using the Hornby R8220 couplings. Visually the appearance of a static rake of coaches fitted with the 36-027 Short Cranked NEM coupling is identical to a static rake fitted with Hornby R8220 couplings. However the 36-027 coupling is still a tension lock coupling. As a result I would say that there is ‘slack’ between each coupling, reminiscent of the slack between wagons fitted with three link couplings. Hence when in motion I prefer the appearance of the coaches fitted with the R8220 couplings.

Again there is a comparison video to view below. This time a maroon Heljan Western is hauling a rake of Bachmann Mk1s fitted with Hornby R8220 couplings,. For comparison a green Hornby Castle heads a rake fitted entirely with 36-027 Short Cranked couplings.

For completeness I have included a couple of views of the ‘gap’ between the engine and coaches. Firstly with the tension lock couplings pulled apart.

Bachmann Mk1 with 36-027 + Heljan Western King fitted with 36-030(apart)

Secondly with the tension lock couplings closed.

Bachmann Mk1 with 36-027 + Heljan Western King fitted with 36-030(closed)

I have also added a reference to the two types of NEM straight couplings that are available from Bachmann – and the equivalent Hornby version which it should be noted boasts a longer metal coupling hook.

Bachmann 36-061 left, 36-030 centre, and Hornby Right

It seems to me that the (new) 36-061 Short Straight NEM coupling (as fitted to numerous existing wagons) is 2mm shorter than the renamed 36-030 Long Straight NEM coupling. In some situations this could be useful and I have fitted them to my Dapol Class 22s as seen in the above video:

Dapol Class 22 fitted with Bachmann 36-061 + Bachmann Mk1 fitted with 36-027

In conclusion I would say well worth the small outlay on additional couplings to bring these great coaches closer together.

A selection of close coupled Bachmann Mk1s – well mostly, spot the odd one out


Unknown said…
That's a great article on couplings, Ray.

I have got a right old mish mash of different types - from Tri-ang Hornby through Lima (aaargh!) to the latest NEMs. Some Dapols and Hornby's droop badly. So your article has given me much food for thought.

I only just found your blog via a link on YouTube. So I shall follow with interest. Even more time browsing the web!


longsheds said…
Hello Vivian, I have only just spotted this comment (where have I been). I do recollect speaking to you on YouTube. Dare I say if you have any other comments please post (now that I know what I am doing)! Cheers Ray

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